Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Odyssey (Journal #8)

After reading and reflecting on one of Aldo Leopold's essays from his Sand County Almanac, we were asked to look at another essay called Odyssey. In Odyssey, Leopold takes us on a journey in which we view from the perspective of X. What Leopold does in this essay is show firsthand, through X, the biogeochemical process. First, X is marked in stone (geo). X, is then pulled up into the roots of a tree (bio). Within this tree X helps make a flower, which becomes an acorn, which is eaten by a deer. The deer is then eaten by an Indian. The acorn, deer, and Indian all had X within them, and transferred through them. X is transfered then through many other living things and soil. X, then finds itself within another Indian, who passes near a riverbank. The bank collapses, and X, is pulled out to sea. 

Below, is a picture of the nitrogen cycle, part of the biogeochemical process. The resource listed below is a great source for students to search for more information and application of the carbon, nitrogen, and water cycles. 

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